About Us

Redirect Marketing Group

Our Core Values

The marketing world brings new challenges everyday, and we are not the type to shy away from any challenge.  We instead view them as an opportunity to evolve, rethink our ideas, redirect consumer emotions, and build spectacular campaigns for our clients.

Continuously Optimize

“What worked then, may not work now.” As a result, our clients require an agency/partner that is nimble and effective–an agency that constantly redirects their thinking and optimizes campaigns to efficiently reach the target consumer and build solid brands.

Grow Collaboratively

We aren’t just an agency–we’re an extension of your company. Your success is our success.

Create an Impact

“Close” only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Results always matter. Our analytical approach reduces the marketing guesswork, and helps drive sales for your product or service while building your brand.

Amplify Voices

Building a brand or creating triggers for an immediate response in two languages isn’t as simple as running the copy through Google Translate. The task requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and decades of experience executing marketing campaigns in English and Spanish.

Our Mission

Never allow today’s standard become the status quo

Our team of professionals are nimble and adaptive when connecting consumers to a client’s brand, product, or service.

Here’s a few things you should know about us…


Our Leadership



Fueled by her passion to amplify the voices of underrepresented changemakers, Maritza co-founded Redirect Market Group.  Her approach is simple, “No client is too small”, and we can help them grow. Maritza’s attitude is always positive, and her client service regimen is second to none.


Chief Strategist

Eddy is an award-winning Producer – Director with a combined 100+ television / radio commercials and infomercials to his credit. His approach is simple, “A successful campaign is like a chess match, strategy is everything.”  Eddy’s years of experience as a marketer and entrepreneur provide the complete perspective necessary for success in impacting the bottom line and navigating today’s transactional style marketing.

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